Int J Med Sci
2023; 20(6):818-835.
doi:10.7150/ijms.82419 This issueCite
Regulatory mechanisms and clinical applications of tumor-driven exosomal circRNAs in cancers
Xiangyu Meng, Dong Yang, Bao Zhang, Yan Zhao, Zhichao Zheng, Tao Zhang✉
Department of Gastric Surgery, Cancer Hospital of China Medical University/Liaoning Cancer Hospital, Shenyang, Liaoning, China
✉ Corresponding author: Tao Zhang, Department of Gastric Surgery, Cancer Hospital of China Medical University/Liaoning Cancer Hospital, No. 44 Xiaoheyan Road, Dadong District, Shenyang 110042, Liaoning, China. E-mail: 13940152108com; Tel: (024) 31916823.More
Meng X, Yang D, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Zheng Z, Zhang T. Regulatory mechanisms and clinical applications of tumor-driven exosomal circRNAs in cancers. Int J Med Sci 2023; 20(6):818-835. doi:10.7150/ijms.82419.
Malignant tumors seriously affect people's survival and prognosis. Exosomes, as vesicle structures widely existing in human tissues and body fluids, are involved in cell-to-cell transmission. Tumor-derived exosomes were secreted from tumors and involved in the development of carcinogenesis. Circular RNA (circRNA), a novel member of endogenous noncoding RNAs, is widespread in human and play a vital role in many physiological or pathological processes. Tumor-driven exosomal circRNAs are often involved in tumorigenesis and development including the proliferation, invasion, migration and chemo-or-radiotherapy sensitivity of tumor cell by multiple regulatory mechanisms. In this review, we will elaborate the roles and functions of tumor-driven exosomal circRNAs in cancers which may be used as potential cancer biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets.
Meng, X., Yang, D., Zhang, B., Zhao, Y., Zheng, Z., Zhang, T. (2023). Regulatory mechanisms and clinical applications of tumor-driven exosomal circRNAs in cancers. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 20(6), 818-835.
Meng, X.; Yang, D.; Zhang, B.; Zhao, Y.; Zheng, Z.; Zhang, T. Regulatory mechanisms and clinical applications of tumor-driven exosomal circRNAs in cancers. Int. J. Med. Sci. 2023, 20 (6), 818-835. DOI: 10.7150/ijms.82419.
Meng X, Yang D, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Zheng Z, Zhang T. Regulatory mechanisms and clinical applications of tumor-driven exosomal circRNAs in cancers. Int J Med Sci 2023; 20(6):818-835. doi:10.7150/ijms.82419.
Meng X, Yang D, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Zheng Z, Zhang T. 2023. Regulatory mechanisms and clinical applications of tumor-driven exosomal circRNAs in cancers. Int J Med Sci. 20(6):818-835.
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